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Civic chief to become Mayor of city as she stands down after ten years running county’s adult social

Gloucester is set to have a new Mayor after a Gloucestershire County Council cabinet member steps down after ten years spearheading adult social care services.

Kathy Williams (C, Longlevens) is set to become the Mayor of Gloucester at the Mayor Making ceremony on Monday May 22, honouring her 18 years of service to the city as an elected representative. Cllr Williams will continue as the county councillor for Longlevens.

She said, “Being on the county council’s cabinet has not always been an easy job, but it is a job that I have taken great pride in doing. I am particularly proud to have spent my final year in this role resettling over 1000 Ukrainians in Gloucestershire.

“As I step down from this role to take up a new and exciting one as Mayor of Gloucester, I wish to thank my cabinet colleagues and officers that I have served alongside over the past decade and wish Stephan the best of luck as he takes on this responsibility.”

During her time on the county council’s cabinet, Cllr Williams has been responsible for Adult Social Care Delivery. This role includes responsibility for dementia care, domestic abuse, mental health, and asylum seekers – an area which has been particularly busy in recent years with the Syrian and Afghan resettlements schemes and in the last year the Homes for Ukraine scheme.

Gloucestershire County Councillor Stephan (C, Fifield, Pittville and Prestbury), will be taking over responsibility for the Adult Social Care Delivery portfolio.

Cllr Mark Hawthorne, Leader of Gloucestershire County Council said, “I want to thank Kathy for all her work: 10 years on the county council’s cabinet is an incredible achievement. She has earnt the honour of being Mayor of Gloucester and I am very pleased for her.

“I am excited to have Stephan joining the cabinet and look forward to working with him. Since being elected to the council two years ago, he has shown himself to be a hardworking and thoughtful councillor. His role as chair of Adult Social Care and Communities Scrutiny has demonstrated his sound grasp of the challenges that this portfolio entails, and I have no doubt that he will be a very effective member of the cabinet.”

Cllr Stephan Fifield said, “It is a great honour to be joining the county council’s cabinet. This is a big portfolio that covers a lot of areas and I’m keen to hit the ground running to start delivering for all those who need our help.

“I am grateful to Kathy for all her hard work over the past decade and to the Leader for giving me this opportunity. I am excited to add something new to the cabinet as its youngest member and get on with the job.”


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